2024 YCAA Book Group
The YCAA book group meets in Yeovil in the Westlands Entertainment Venue's Lounge every second Tuesday of the month from 12 noon until 2pm. We read a wide selection of books as suggested by people who come along. You would be welcome! Details can be found on www.yeovilarts.co.uk.
YCAA Website

2024 Results
Novel Category :
FIRST PRIZE - Lora Davies
SECOND PRIZE - Maurice Carlin
THIRD PRIZE - Glyn Harper
Short Story Category :
FIRST PRIZE - Andrea Pavleka
SECOND PRIZE - John Kirkaldy
THIRD PRIZE - Clare Shaw
Poetry Category :
FIRST PRIZE - David Short
SECOND PRIZE - David Short
THIRD PRIZE - Dawn Lawrence
Children’s and Young Adult Novel :
FIRST PRIZE - Nina Hoole
SECOND PRIZE - Melanie Whitmarsh
THIRD PRIZE - Triona Harris
Writing Without Restrictions :
FIRST PRIZE - Tony Irvin
SECOND PRIZE - Edward Sergeant
THIRD PRIZE - Jenny Hunt
welcome to the
Yeovil Literary Prize Rules
For full details of the rules, choose a category:
Short Story
Children’s/Young Adult Novel
Writing Without Restrictions
Yeovil Literary Prize 2025 – General Rules for All Entries - NOVEL
By entering the Yeovil Literary Prize competition 2025, you agree to abide by the following rules:
- Entries must be the work of the entrant (who must be over 16), in English, (not translated into English) and must NOT have been previously self-published, broadcast, or accepted for publication.
- Entries may have appeared online, but NOT in any commercial online form (e.g. in a journal or magazine, or as part of a publication requiring payment to access.)
- Entries that have won or are currently shortlisted in other writing competitions DO qualify for entry.
- Copyright remains with the entrant. The entrant’s name must only appear on the entry form and not on the entry itself. If an entry does include the author’s name, it will be disqualified.
- Only ONE entry per Entry Form, BUT one payment may be made to cover multiple entries, including payment by PayPal, BACS/IBAN.
- A reference number is automatically allocated once an entry is submitted. All correspondence after submission must quote your Entry Reference Number (eg. 25/EC0….C00…./Z…).
- Word count for Novel entries is: In total - Synopsis and opening up to 10,000 words which should include up to 500 word Synopsis. A Synopsis is different to a blurb. Please add wordcount at end.
- No corrections will be accepted, or refunds given.
- The judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. PORNOGRAPHY will be disqualified.
- The closing date for entries is the 31st May 2025. Longlisted entries will be shown on the website on 15th August. Shortlisted entries will be shown on 1st September.
- Winners will be notified by letter or email and the results published on the competition website (www.yeovilprize.co.uk) on 30th September 2025.
- Text should be double line spaced. N.B. The formatting changes after entry. This is to enable fairer judging on content alone.
Yeovil Literary Prize 2025 – General Rules for All Entries - SHORT STORY
By entering the Yeovil Literary Prize competition 2025, you agree to abide by the following rules:
- Entries must be the work of the entrant (who must be over 16), in English, (not translated into English) and must NOT have been previously self-published, broadcast, or accepted for publication.
- Entries may have appeared online, but NOT in any commercial online form (e.g. in a journal or magazine, or as part of a publication requiring payment to access.)
- Entries that have won or are currently shortlisted in other writing competitions DO qualify for entry.
- Copyright remains with the entrant. The entrant’s name must only appear on the entry form and not on the entry itself. If an entry does include the author’s name, it will be disqualified.
- Only ONE entry per Entry Form, BUT one payment may be made to cover multiple entries, including payment by PayPal, BACS/IBAN.
- A reference number is automatically allocated once an entry is submitted. All correspondence after submission must quote your Entry Reference Number (eg. 25/EC0….C00…./Z…).
- Word count for Short Story entries is: Up to 2000 words. Please add wordcount at end.
- No corrections will be accepted, or refunds given.
- The judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. PORNOGRAPHY will be disqualified.
- The closing date for entries is the 31st May 2025. Longlisted entries will be shown on the website on 15th August. Shortlisted entries will be shown on 1st September.
- Winners will be notified by letter or email and the results published on the competition website (www.yeovilprize.co.uk) on 30th September 2025.
- Text should be double line spaced. N.B. The formatting changes after entry. This is to enable fairer judging on content alone.
Yeovil Literary Prize 2025 – General Rules for All Entries - POETRY
By entering the Yeovil Literary Prize competition 2025, you agree to abide by the following rules:
- Entries must be the work of the entrant (who must be over 16), in English, (not translated into English) and must NOT have been previously self-published, broadcast, or accepted for publication.
- Entries may have appeared online, but NOT in any commercial online form (e.g. in a journal or magazine, or as part of a publication requiring payment to access.)
- Entries that have won or are currently shortlisted in other writing competitions DO qualify for entry.
- Copyright remains with the entrant. The entrant’s name must only appear on the entry form and not on the entry itself. If an entry does include the author’s name, it will be disqualified.
- Only ONE entry per Entry Form, BUT one payment may be made to cover multiple entries, including payment by PayPal, BACS/IBAN.
- A reference number is automatically allocated once an entry is submitted. All correspondence after submission must quote your Entry Reference Number (eg. 25/EC0….C00…./Z…).
- Word count for Poetry entries is: Maximum of 40 lines.
- No corrections will be accepted, or refunds given.
- The judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. PORNOGRAPHY will be disqualified.
- The closing date for entries is the 31st May 2025. Longlisted entries will be shown on the website on 15th August. Shortlisted entries will be shown on 1st September.
- Winners will be notified by letter or email and the results published on the competition website (www.yeovilprize.co.uk) on 30th September 2025.
- Text should be single line spaced. N.B. The formatting changes after entry. This is to enable fairer judging on content alone.
Yeovil Literary Prize 2025 – General Rules for All Entries - CHILDREN’S/YOUNG ADULT NOVEL
By entering the Yeovil Literary Prize competition 2025, you agree to abide by the following rules:
- Entries must be the work of the entrant (who must be over 16), in English, (not translated into English) and must NOT have been previously self-published, broadcast, or accepted for publication.
- Entries may have appeared online, but NOT in any commercial online form (e.g. in a journal or magazine, or as part of a publication requiring payment to access.)
- Entries that have won or are currently shortlisted in other writing competitions DO qualify for entry.
- Copyright remains with the entrant. The entrant’s name must only appear on the entry form and not on the entry itself. If an entry does include the author’s name (and/or illustrator’s name), it will be disqualified.
- Only ONE entry per Entry Form, BUT one payment may be made to cover multiple entries, including payment by PayPal, BACS/IBAN.
- A reference number is automatically allocated once an entry is submitted. All correspondence after submission must quote your Entry Reference Number (eg. 25/EC0….C00…./Z…).
- For Children’s and Young Adult Novel the word count is 3000 words plus a 500 word Synopsis. A Synopsis is different to a blurb. Please add wordcount at end.
- No corrections will be accepted, or refunds given.
- The judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. PORNOGRAPHY will be disqualified.
- The closing date for entries is the 31st May 2025. Longlisted entries will be shown on the website on 15th August. Shortlisted entries will be shown on 1st September.
- Winners will be notified by letter or email and the results published on the competition website (www.yeovilprize.co.uk) on 30th September 2025.
- Text should be double line spaced. N.B. The formatting changes after entry. This is to enable fairer judging on content alone.
Yeovil Literary Prize 2025 – General Rules for All Entries –
By entering the Yeovil Literary Prize competition 2025, you agree to abide by the following rules:
- Entries must be the work of the entrant (who must be over 16), in English, (not translated into English) and must NOT have been previously self-published, broadcast, or accepted for publication.
- Entries may have appeared online, but NOT in any commercial online form (e.g. in a journal or magazine, or as part of a publication requiring payment to access.)
- Entries that have won or are currently shortlisted in other writing competitions DO qualify for entry.
- Copyright remains with the entrant. The entrant’s name must only appear on the entry form and not on the entry itself. If an entry does include the author’s name, it will be disqualified.
- Only ONE entry per Entry Form, BUT one payment may be made to cover multiple entries, including payment by PayPal, BACS/IBAN.
- A reference number is automatically allocated once an entry is submitted. All correspondence after submission must quote your Entry Reference Number (eg. 25/EC0….C00…./Z…).
- You can enter anything you are proud to have written that is inventive, different or fun. This category is for work that does not fall into the normal competition categories. We will read up to 1000 words but any genre.
- No corrections will be accepted, or refunds given.
- The judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. PORNOGRAPHY will be disqualified.
- The closing date for entries is the 31st May 2025. Longlisted entries will be shown on the website on 15th August. Shortlisted entries will be shown on 1st September.
- Winners will be notified by letter or email and the results published on the competition website (www.yeovilprize.co.uk) on 30th September 2025.
- Text should be double line spaced (unless a long poem or Haiku then please use single line spacing). N.B. The formatting changes after entry. This is to enable fairer judging on content alone.
- The Writing Without Restrictions category is wide open; we are looking for anything you have written that is inventive, different, or just plain fun. As long as it is legal, there are no restrictions.